Monday, November 23, 2020

Captivity Captive- a syllabus of Prison Without Walls



This subject is so offensive and frightful if taken seriously that when uttered my wife said she would not talk to me the rest of the day.

The general of these particulars involves the study of the loss of empathy of the Stanford and Milford experiments which trace the loss of empathy from authority or social pressure. see Tom Horn the evil gene and Lucifer effect

Eisenhower's German POW starvation camps up and down the Rhine river, starvation on a mass scale. The government says there were  8 or 9 thousand casualties, but it was a hundred times that. Yes they kept them without shelter in an open field in winter. Forget Eisenhower, look at the real statistics of the Vietnam and chemical ops, or in Central America of that same government manufacturing atrocities in Iraq to justify waterboarding hundreds of times to make you safe from terrorism, the same terrorism invented by the state to create, so many more atrocities that Eisenhower looks small. Many died from, dehydration and exposure to the weather, because no structures were built inside the prison compounds, like Andersonville Prison in 1864".[4] Bacque charges that "the victims undoubtedly number over 800,000, almost certainly over 900,000 and quite likely over a million., -Rheinwiesenlager (German: [ˈʁaɪnˌviːzn̩ˌlaːɡɐ], Rhine meadow camps) were a group of 19 camps built in the Allied-occupied part of Germany by the U.S. Army to hold captured German soldiers at the close of the Second World War. Officially named Prisoner of War Temporary Enclosures (PWTE), they held between one and almost two million surrendered Wehrmacht personnel from April until September 1945.the enjoyable irony of this is that Eisenhower was so "horrified" at the the German camps like Ohrdruf  "Seeing the Nazi crimes committed at Ohrdruf made a powerful impact on Eisenhower, and he wanted the world to know what happened in the concentration camps."

he was bound to repeat, doubly so since he was of the same genealogy as the prisoners he starved, moral outrage you see among the pious, a feeeling that abandoned him later when he negotiated with the Aliens. After his visit, Eisenhower cabled General George C. Marshall, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, describing his trip to Ohrdruf:[2]

... the most interesting—although horrible—sight that I encountered during the trip was a visit to a German internment camp near Gotha. The things I saw beggar description. While I was touring the camp I encountered three men who had been inmates and by one ruse or another had made their escape. I interviewed them through an interpreter. The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to 'propaganda.'

The turn in vengeance against your own especially, because they should know better, the 73 million Trumpers, is proven again and again, replacing the oppressors as victims in  law and war, depending on the politics. Imagine what John Kerry will do in the biden admin after going the night of the 2016 election to Antarctica!  Chew on that.. Pussy cat what did you there/  Looking for chocolate bars/Official reports were that 9000 died. But you know that all official reports are lies..


 We infer the regime of the prison without walls from those with. These analogies, such as turning in your neighbor that does wear a mask, of has too large a group gathered, or brutalizing them for being a Trump supporter, calling them every epithet that truly belongs to you, esp. racist,  the old Obama Clinton deplorable, guns, god religion thing, all these without walls happen within. We don't want to overlook such treks as the Exodus and the march to captivity to Babylon or the Long trail of tears of the Cherokee. The prisons and the prisoners of war about everywhere, the Armenian extermination, the Biafra, and Bushman, on and on, these are precursors of the this digital overlord and all the social behaviors of shaming, doxing, outing etc. among epidemic proportions of missing persons.

Just like the camps of Abu Ghraib threw together people unconnected all the WWII camps the Stalags threw together Levinas who hid his philosophy in notebooks and waist gunner kids from Texas who kept a secret history of the camp on cigarette papers. It is only the time and place and intensity that determined how radicalized these got whether the Nazis or the Americans. But with any luck you could get a gulag or mahogany camp, an Argentine military camp.

One of the human features that emerges is that the man never quits so we have record and hold in our hands the works they have written in the camps and the towers, Raleigh, The History of the World, Bunyan, Pilgrim's progress, Levinas Existence and Existents, Frankel: "eventually I began to reconstruct the manuscript which I had lost in the disinfection chamber of Auschwitz, and scribbled the key words in shorthand on tiny scraps of paper. 34  in the middle of escape he runs back to the mud hut to get his essentials, "my food bowl, a pair of torn mittens 'inherited' from a dead typhus patient, and a few scraps of paper covered with shorthand notes (on which I had started to reconstruct the manuscript which I lost at Auschwitz. 58 And all up and down the ladder of existence to Carl Roland Karlson who wrote on cigarette papers his history of survival.

Pentonville,  the new prisons are the Getty museum and every castle of 

where runaway and captive children are wholesaled to the bidders. some 900,000 missing a year. among the 90,000 children of the Boy Scouts, the orphanages of Indian children in Canada. the missing the national parks, the hundreds of thousands abused by priests, the satanic families networks, the CIA blackmail houses for the elite

The London Tower, Raleigh, Bunyan, Cartwright

Foxes Martyrs

Mennonite Book of Martyrs

B. Traven Camps in the Jungle, mahogany camp, debt-slavery in the montería,  in Der Ziegelbrenner (The Brick Burner), “He loved to tangle things up,” Mrs. Lujan said. ”In a certain sense, it was a defense, a form of vengeance. He would tangle people up and then laugh about it. He invented many lies and loved it when people made mistakes.” ”When I suspected something and asked him about it, he would get furious,” she recalled. ”He used to say, ‘Nobody should ask anyone else about anything, because questions only oblige one to lie.’ ”

Solzhenitsyn in Siberia, gulag cells

Wittgenstein in Italy

Levinas was a POW in the French army as an interpreter, so not sent to extermination camps -  Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit was in one of the prison camp's reading room. Levinas’s 1947 Existence and Existents may be placed alongside other works created in the Stalag system such as Braudel’s The Mediterranean. In a POW camp near Lübeck, where he remained for the rest of the war Braudel drafted his La Méditerranée et le Monde Méditerranéen à l'époque de Philippe II (The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II), without access to his books or notes and relying only on his memory and a local library.[3] and Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time.  the ‘last Kantian in Nazi Germany’ – the dog Bobby – enthusiastically greeted the Jewish prisoners as they returned from forced labour and in doing so recognized their humanity. The experience of the camp was also acknowledged, not without irony at the expense of Sartre and others, in the Preface to Existence and Existents where Levinas presents his book as the result of research ‘begun before the war’ and then ‘pursued and to a large extent written up in captivity’.He was in the camps for five years starting through Auschwitz. His work is full of the psychology of survival to be hoped for. It also always amounts to positive thinking

 Caygill says, -June 1940 the French 10th Army was surrounded by invading German forces at Rennes. Among those captured was Emmanuel Levinas, mobilized as an officer/interpreter in 1939 and now imprisoned as an enemy combatant under the terms of the Geneva Conventions. Levinas was five years in captivity, first at Frontstalags in Rennes and Laval, then at Vesoul, and from June 1942 until May 1945 at Stalag 11B at Fallingbostel near Magdeburg in Germany.


Hartman half way in England

 Timmerman in Argentina

Frankl in Germany

Iraq:  Camp Bucca, also here. 

 Abu Ghraib

Andre Maurois, Tragedy in France 

JFK, Why England Slept

inmates dog eat dog, capos, commandants, Quislings, Sympathers, John McCain

Edwardo Galeano

 Posed shots at Abu Ghraib, leftist journos

Modern the left was always a facade from wherever to wherever, that's why Koestler compiled The God That Failed. Ignazio Sileone, Blood and Wine all the Marxist and semi dogmatic novels were a ruse of the left. The right produced no literature, unless you count Ayn Rand. The right was a fantasy of the left. the Knights Templer used as a scapegoat for their own sins, because neither one were left and right, they were pedophiles and cannibals that hid in tunnels under the Getty Museum and a thousand places never visited, for sure. That sounds so extreme, but it was largely the CIA that shelled the concluding peace talks in Kabul to prevent them finishing. ISIS was an invention of the CIA to justify neutralizing the mid-East that Trump got in the way of. Was that right or left? Doesn't matter, both are part of the Hegelian dialectic to produce the unknown Order.

Laurel Canyon


More and more I look on travel pieces as fictions, explorations before the fact, if we walk, “not a prisoner like the Czech.” The prison metaphor, the demeaned human metaphor are all the same whether the Pope declares the alien a brother and the UN joins with science. Who exactly does than leave in opposition? These would be trucked off. The blind call that cynical, but the blind are too busy for the details in the sky above and in the earth below. We would opt only for consciousness of the time armed with faith, as in three YouTube events where The True Human, Prophetic Confirmations and The Death of the Imagination occur.

It looked like this was going to be turned into Altered Sky and the Weather Report Wars, unwritten as yet, as a look at tomography, topography and atmospherics assuming that modern consciousness is linear and two dimensional, that literature and furniture are not thought to be one piece any more than the weather, warfare, hybrids and underground bases are, although it will be denied.

We are sidetracked by the staging of events which, while we watch the news broadcast in all its channels, we watch ourselves. Stand behind the events however and they are tragic misdemeanors if not felonies. Every single opinion in the world is wrong and has as its entire purpose to absorb the attention of the many layers of audience. So government, science, the networks, the actors on what they call the stage, the audience, history, philosophy all stand in mutual relation to each other as onion skins, but with no priority, science is not better than ads for Ford, indeed science is an ad for Ford or whatever offers itself. None is more primary than another, except of course in the fantasy/reality the stages project. There the drones rule.

There are all kinds of drones. Remember it is a name for the worker bee incapable of procreation, or creation, that lives in the hive only to fulfill the dictates of the "higher" power queen. This seems to demean bees if we take them as symbolic of ourselves, as bestiaries have always compared the human with the natural world.  We had seen drones among the neighbors spouting shibboleths of modern culture, meaning popular culture, people exercised about sports or fashion. Now the drones in smart phones, traffic cams, email algorithms and the literal sky watch and see. What can’t be seen, or heard, is the broadcast microwave thought patterns. So easy to control the cortex. Look from behind it or above it and it is all the same, a series of stagings where the levels are mutually inclusive of just the one thing: the stage, the actors. Meanwhile behind the scenes puppet masters pull the string. Behind the puppet masters lies the one real thing, which is why we keep coming back to Prufrock, saying, "oh do not ask what is it, let us go and make our visit."

Living conditions underground need to be examined in case the 99 kings have been fools. No better record exists than the kings of Israel and Judah, but China does well, England and Japan. Power exalts and corrupts completely. So while there need to be at least some elders underground just to form a sensible simulacrum of society and tribes, they will be subject to the whims and idiocies of power. As to the individual underground there is none. No running water, no sunlight. The only thing that kept the prisoner of Chillon going was a swallow. The only thing in the Nazi camp for Viktor Frankl was a bird on a stump. The gulags were outside in the snow and cold and air. The undergrounds have no nature so it can be questioned if they have a man. That’s why all would have to be young, real young, cradle size, and lots of women to raise them, but there will be no human rights or hope. These are the drones that concern us most.

The axiom of this thought is that it denies all its shortcomings while practicing them. One imagines these consumed in whatever accepted protocols a person professionally knows, filled with prejudice left and right. It truly does not matter about the rest in a flat surfaced earth with no border, compressed, controlled, but enough of that.  As a model of consciousness it is a scene of huge depth, atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere, the rough 1000 feet above and below the surfaces of the continents and plates and lava streams. The human is like a submersible between. All the documents on this site are meant to explore the staging of the worlds.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Toni Morrison

Very moving statement of the two characters, Toni Morrison the outer persona and Chloe Wofford
the writer herself.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Investigations of Consciousness, Bishop College, 1984, 1985,

The complete course, two or three semesters combined reissued @ AERFilms. Surprise.
Quantum Theory and Prufrock I
Prufrock, The Quantum Man II
Quantum Cure Ode To Autumn
Quantum Cure Ode To Autumn 2, Sound & Meaning
True Human Being - The Relation to the Cosmos
Prophetic Confirmations
Kafka and the Modern Investigation of Consciousness

 Nineteen Eighty Four was the Terminator symbol of absolutism in the year 1984 when this class convened. One fictional beginning of official deception, secret surveillance, manipulation of the past came full circle in government drone strikes upon American citizens wherever they are found. This was anti-climactic as  had occurred in multiple forms for years. To track these undercurrents behind the eyeball of lit and consciousness is a kind of literary stand up. The imagined comedic prophetic reprehensibilities could be lies from the government, science and religion in the very Ubu state! Take it with a grain of salt and laugh; the classes were always charged by fresh water from student minds outflowing.  The tapes were put in the Zale library the next day in '84 and '85 for reference. The written text was the Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, II, Fourth Edition; you can buy one for a buck.

In an unstated conclusion 1984 assumes that the purpose of the 20th century was to break down boundaries in order to initiate earth into its new order. We are not ourselves the causes of world pollution, disease, famine and destruction that we are  blamed for but the victims of it. These things have been a long time preparing so relax as we find out. The blame of Forces has been shifted to scapegoat the ordinary citizen who is so manipulated and controlled that he thinks he caused global warming. There being no control groups to measure global pandemics, since they are global, in the midst of experiments that change the course of human existence these tapes are a kind of control group of how it happened along the way.  We'd not have proved the harm of tobacco without such groups, that is, people who didn't smoke.  We knew it was coming but now it is here. These tapes rebroadcast in 2013 may reconstruct to know now what is.

 The naive persona of the teacher-speaker was outside the veil of what is allowable in ironic contemporary discourse. But many of the students in that place and time were too. A good pic of the classroom may exist only in memory, but the very international mix of students from Africa in those classes, along with a number of outspoken and older students with their mature and sometimes humorous responses provoked the way the conversations went. These make the tapes almost as interesting as themselves. To hear the broad language of the Kenyans and Nigerians pleasures the ear, but they all treasured the moment in the same spirit. Not like critical classes shorn of belief, these people from all over the world were in awe of their opportunity to be taught by an American Ph.D.,  as they would say it. If that sounds totally naif, it does stop the mouth of the accuser. They shall not all be taught, meaning that like a child, their naivete would lead them. And it would be fun.

We set out in 1984 to define The Quantum Man, to celebrate the year that had a book written about it.  1984 beat out 2000, it beat out 2012.

Of the particular tapes uploaded so far to capture the extermination of the traditional by the modern.
 Prufrock is seen as opposite Ode to Autumn. Other examples of these oppositions will follow. As to True Human Being, Prophetic Confirmations and Cutting Edge, all done together, the proof is  in the eating. In each of these an ultimately shocking statement develops out of a naive process.

True Human Being concludes that humans are space travelers to come, but not in the sense of current NASA and ET thought, not at all. The dominion of the hands is a birthright, before genome, it is inalienable in the  creation of the human being. All kinds of things follow from this, among them, that when the Vatican, science and the United States presidents announce the arrival of their alien co-conspirators, it is obviously a ruse. They will not come to us, but we will go to them, for we have been given dominion over the works of his hands. Hands are very big in this piece. Perhaps only poetry could have said it so well.

Prophetic Confirmations naively asks whether we are ready and eager to conclude these affairs, to some incredulity and laughter, because who could be, yet who isn't? So after ranging from the ease of the Old Testament prophecy of Palm Sunday the conclusion of Jerusalem occurs, but with this encouragement that helps, from Zachariah, that in that day the feeblest among us will be as David, and the house of David will be as Lord and the Angel of the Lord. Think about it.

The Cutting Edge makes the most extreme statement that to the modern mind can be made when, after change upon change, it says that Jesus can restore your imagination. This will equally gall all sides, leaving no one except the incredulous in the store.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Christopher Sauer's Letter of 1724

 Letter of Christopher Sower, Written in 1724, Describing Conditions in Philadelphia and Vicinity, and the Sea Voyage from Europe

See also Sower's Letter to Conrad Beissel, 1739 

Literary Activity of the German Baptist Brethren in the Eighteenth Century. John Samuel Flory


Friday, July 27, 2012

Method of Composition

On Tavis Smiley, Frank Gehry, asked of his method of inspiration / composition, said that it is in work, model building over and over till an idea emerges. That is the important theme in the method of composition, finding out what is there to be designed only by working, except he said, and showed it, the second sketch he ever made of Bilbao looks very like the finished work. This is, he said, one of a kind, not that it proves anything, but validates the process in the exception. Much more of Gehry's mythology here.

I am not a conceptual artist. I can’t just sit there and think of an idea. Most of it comes out of my hands . . . I have always used whatever comes to hand, or into my head, that makes sense in my own work, that I can get some energy from.” Peter Voulkos quoted posthumously in Ceramics Monthly, April 2002
 “The minute you begin to understand what you’re doing it loses that searching quality. You have to forget about the little technical problems that don’t matter—you’ve overcome them long ago anyway. You finally reach a point where you’re no longer concerned with keeping this blob of clay centered on the wheel and up in the air. Your emotions take over and what happens just happens. Usually you don’t know it’s happened until after it’s done.”

Likewise in Rising: The Art and Life of John Waddel (excerpt) the method of work is the same, except it's not in paper but in large forms of wood, beeswax, stone, sketched over and over and applied to models on the wall out of which his Rising emerged after a decade of so of tearing down and building back up. That is, he did not know what he was making until it was made.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen on Mount Baldy 
Come to this with Van de Wetering's After Zen for insight. Roshi is now 104 so he is a respectable being. Cohen in this 45 minute film is in good condition also, but he doesn't know that the aluminum in Mr. Baldy groundwater is 61,000ppb  The greatest curse comes as a blessing because when it comes it is irresistible and deadly.  See "Going Home in Old Ideas

But he does say what I tell him
Even though it isn’t welcome
He just doesn’t have the freedom
To refuse [he can refuse, but who would who has sought it all of life, to be awakened in the night!]

He will speak these words of wisdom [oops, who says they're wise, but if they're what was given...?]
Like a sage, a man of vision
Though he knows he’s really nothing [he's not nothing though, but what he is, will he say that?]
But the brief elaboration of a tube

I want to make him certain
That he doesn’t have a burden
That he doesn’t need a vision
That he only has permission

To do my instant bidding
Which is to SAY what I have told him
To repeat

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ingrid Betancourt

Ingrid Betancourt a prisoner six years in the Colombia jungle.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Christopher Hitchens

We have these two brothers, Peter the Christian and Christopher the Ragin, not to know exactly how to state his eminent wit.

Contrarian View:

Peter Hitchens:

Christopher: Hitch 22
Peter: Rage Against God

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Robert Bly

Robert Bly Cortland Interview

Paula Gordon Show

The All-Too Familiar Arc Of Robert Bly

Robert Bly Talks With Michael Ventura

Bly: When something goes wrong in a marriage, and it all comes to grief, it’s our habit to think, It’s my fault. But from the point of view of an older culture, each of us has had many past lives, and the suffering that you and your spouse just went through is not coming from your connection to each other. It’s coming from those past lives the albatross began flying a thousand years ago. The wife or husband who landed at the altar with you began flying a thousand years ago.

[This is an elaborate way of saying the religion of reincarnation is the source of my pride. Reincarnation ruined my marriage!]